It Gets Better Pride 2019 Group marching in Toronto

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Welcome!  Here you’ll find inspiring blog posts, toolkits, and other resources. Browse our inspiring It Gets Better videos and spotlights shared with us, along with our original content series! We hope the diversity of our community inspires and empowers you. You are not alone!


Making it through the fire

Making it through the fire with Owen Unruh I learned very young that I didn’t fit into the mold that had been laid out for me. The mold demanded heteronormativity and that was a space I couldn’t shrink myself to fit into; my queerness spilled over and that drew attention.

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The Fashioning of Gender Expression: Mia Yaguchi

The Fashioning of Gender Expression: Mia Yaguchi-Chow Who is Mia? Mia Yaguchi-Chow (she/they) is a Toronto-based visual artist who connected with It Gets Better Canada to share her thoughts on identity and gender. As an artist and a graduate of Toronto Metropolitan University School of Fashion, Mia understands the power

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Kendall Gender and Patch Donaghy

A celebration of love: Kendall Gender and Patch Donaghy

A celebration of love: Kendall Gender & Patch Donaghy In recognition of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT), It Gets Better Canada met up with drag queen Kendall Gender (she/her in drag; any pronouns outside) and their partner Patch Donaghy (she/her) to shine a light on their

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No More Freebies Featured Image

No More Freebies

No More Freebies The demand for queer entrepreneurs and talent is at an all-time high – and I’m hoping it’s not just a trend. While increased queer representation in the media and much needed scrutiny towards social accountability has led to a surge in supporting 2SLGBTQ+ talent, sometimes the approach

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Queerography Queerography is an impactful video series driven by queer Asian filmmaker and choreographer, Phil Kim, and explores the journeys of five 2SLGBTQ+ BIPoC Toronto dancers and their unique experiences tackling their identity, mental health and sense of community. This project was made possible with the support from the It

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sandcastle illustration

Gender Sandcastles: Conceptualizing Nonbinary and Trans Identities

Gender Sandcastles: Conceptualizing Nonbinary and Trans Identities When I first started questioning my gender identity, nothing seemed concrete. All I had was endless questions, and just when I thought I had grabbed onto an answer, it crumbled like sand and misted through my fingers. Everything was still granular when I

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Finding my shining light during the pandemic

It took me a long time to find my footing when the pandemic hit. After returning from filming Canada’s Drag Race, my light felt dim. I struggled to bounce back and feel like my normal self, even while I was living my dream. I had tours in the works, big

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Black and White Image of Pree and colourful shapes around them.

Trusting my queer heart to guide my path

Hi IGBC! I’m Pree, and I’m so excited to share my coming-out (coming in) process, and how I’m right where I wanted to be (but didn’t think would ever be possible). To give you some insight into my positionality, I’m a fat, brown, disabled, queer, pansexual, acesexual (demisexual), working class artist-educator. And I’m

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It Gets Better Canada is an official member of the It Gets Better International Affiliate Network.

IT GETS BETTER and IT GETS BETTER PROJECT are trademarks of Savage Love, LLC, and licensed for use on this website by the It Gets Better Project


Registered Charity Number 750714297

@IGB-CSA Canada

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This website was made possible with the support from It Gets Better Project, a non-profit organization working to uplift, empower, and connect 2SLGBTQ+ youth around the globe.


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