Take Our Queer Sex Quiz!

How much do you know about queer sex and sexual health? Test your knowledge with our true or false quiz:


Queer Sexual Health Quiz

How much do you know about queer sex and sexual health? Test your Knowledge!

1 / 7

Oil-based lubes can cause condoms to break.

2 / 7

STIs can only be transmitted through penetrative sex. 

3 / 7

Testosterone hormone replacement therapy (HRT)  removes any chance of getting pregnant.

4 / 7

Lesbians do not need to get regular sexual health check ups because they are at a lower risk for STIs.

5 / 7

Silicone lubes are safe to use with silicone toys. 

6 / 7

You must have sex to know your sexuality.

7 / 7

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a medication that can help prevent HIV transmission.

Your score is


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