It Gets Better Pride 2019 Group marching in Toronto

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Welcome!  Here you’ll find inspiring blog posts, toolkits, and other resources. Browse our inspiring It Gets Better videos and spotlights shared with us, along with our original content series! We hope the diversity of our community inspires and empowers you. You are not alone!


What is asexuality? Understanding Asexuality: Exploring Identity and Representation

What is asexuality?

What is asexuality? Asexuality is arguably the least known 2SLGBTQ+ identity. Whenever I come out, I’m generally met with a myriad of confusion and questions. While understanding who I am and how I identify was hard, flourishing into being openly proud has made me so much happier. In junior high,

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The Intersectionality between Blackness and Queerness

The Intersectionality between Blackness and Queerness Happy Black History Month! Black and queer folk have existed for centuries across continents, cultures, and in a vast number of spaces. Historically, Black people have been forced out of spaces and in turn created our own spaces and practices where we could feel safe and free.

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Luna Oberlin: A Woman Within

Luna Oberlin: A Woman Within Embracing one’s identity is a journey that unfolds uniquely for each individual, and for me, celebrating my queerness as a Black trans woman has been a profound and empowering experience. Navigating the intersections of race, gender, and sexuality, I have discovered layers of strength, resilience, and authenticity

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Your Queer Guide To The Holidays

Queering your holidays! About – Supportive tips on navigating family and holiday gatherings as a 2SLGBTQ+ youth. The holiday season is right around the corner and while this time can bring up all kinds of feelings, It Gets Better Canada wants to outline some tools and tips to help you

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Trans Day of Resistance

Trans Day of Resistance To be trans on the Trans Day of Resistance is to start over. It’s to pick up the pieces left by our ancestors and search for new horizons to explore identity and survive together as a collective. To be trans and resist colonialism’s gender binary and

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Trans Creators You Should Follow

Trans Creators you should be following ! Transgender Awareness Week is a time to uplift, empower, and highlight trans voices. Now more than ever trans youth need our support. Trans voices need to be at the forefront of these discussions and calls to action. Check out this list of trans

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Indigenous Queer Youth You Should Be Following

Indigenous Queer Youth You Should Be Following ! September 30th marks the ‘National Day For Truth and Reconciliation in Canada’. The day honours the children who never returned home and survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Many view the day as an opportunity to also

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Messages of Hope

Messages of Hope With anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate on the rise, we put a call out for messages of support to our 2SLGBTQ+ youth and our communities delivered! 2SLGBTQ+ youth need encouragement and support, now more than ever. We collected hundreds of inspiring messages that we want to share with you! Browse

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Your Gender Affirming Fashion Guide

Gender Affirming Fashion This article explores the transformative power of fashion in embracing one’s authentic self. Introduction In the past, I often struggled to fully embrace who I truly was, feeling constrained by societal norms and its expectations. Exploring my identity through fashion has been a crucial and transformative journey

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@IGB-CSA Canada

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This website was made possible with the support from It Gets Better Project, a non-profit organization working to uplift, empower, and connect 2SLGBTQ+ youth around the globe.


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