It Gets Better Pride 2019 Group marching in Toronto

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Welcome!  Here you’ll find inspiring blog posts, toolkits, and other resources. Browse our inspiring It Gets Better videos and spotlights shared with us, along with our original content series! We hope the diversity of our community inspires and empowers you. You are not alone!


It Gets Better Canada logo. Text Introducing COVID-19 Mental Health Digital Hub. Access our resources to support 2SLGBTQ+ youth.

COVID 19 Hub

COVID-19 HUB Explainers Write Ups Toolkits Podcasts Supporting your mental health While youth across the nation tackle mental health challenges, the pandemic has exacerbated the continued elevated struggles 2SLGBTQ+ youth face. Through the power of youth led storytelling, It Gets Better Canada invites you to engage with our content below

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Finding my shining light during the pandemic

It took me a long time to find my footing when the pandemic hit. After returning from filming Canada’s Drag Race, my light felt dim. I struggled to bounce back and feel like my normal self, even while I was living my dream. I had tours in the works, big

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It Gets Better Canada is an official member of the It Gets Better International Affiliate Network.

IT GETS BETTER and IT GETS BETTER PROJECT are trademarks of Savage Love, LLC, and licensed for use on this website by the It Gets Better Project


Registered Charity Number 750714297

@IGB-CSA Canada

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This website was made possible with the support from It Gets Better Project, a non-profit organization working to uplift, empower, and connect 2SLGBTQ+ youth around the globe.


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