It Gets Better Pride 2019 Group marching in Toronto

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The Intersectionality between Blackness and Queerness

The Intersectionality between Blackness and Queerness Happy Black History Month! Black and queer folk have existed for centuries across continents, cultures, and in a vast number of spaces. Historically, Black people have been forced out of spaces and in turn created our own spaces and practices where we could feel safe and free.

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Luna Oberlin: A Woman Within

Luna Oberlin: A Woman Within Embracing one’s identity is a journey that unfolds uniquely for each individual, and for me, celebrating my queerness as a Black trans woman has been a profound and empowering experience. Navigating the intersections of race, gender, and sexuality, I have discovered layers of strength, resilience, and authenticity

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How to Find Your Authentic Voice Online

How to Find Your Authentic Voice Online Change the world, one uncomfortable conversation at a time. This is what I have been telling myself for the last two years. I began my journey online in 2020, during the start of the global COVID pandemic, as a Black Cisgender Heterosexual Woman.

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No More Freebies Featured Image

No More Freebies

No More Freebies The demand for queer entrepreneurs and talent is at an all-time high – and I’m hoping it’s not just a trend. While increased queer representation in the media and much needed scrutiny towards social accountability has led to a surge in supporting 2SLGBTQ+ talent, sometimes the approach

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@IGB-CSA Canada

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This website was made possible with the support from It Gets Better Project, a non-profit organization working to uplift, empower, and connect 2SLGBTQ+ youth around the globe.


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