Pictured is an illustration of a rainbow with clouds

Welcome To Your Guide For A Successful Pride!

Discover Your Path to a Successful Pride Celebration!

Whether you’re attending your first Pride, navigating Pride with a disability, or celebrating while still in the closet, we’ve got you covered with expert tips and advice.

Embrace your identity, celebrate queerness, and join us in commemorating Pride with It Gets Better Canada. Together, we can create a world where every individual feels valued, accepted, and celebrated for who they are.

Feeling overwhelmed about going to your first Pride?

If you're feeling nervous or overwhelmed by Pride don't worry you are not alone. Pride can be a very overwhelming experience, especially the first time. But remember Pride is a celebration of queer joy and with a few tips you can ensure you have a safe and fun Pride too!

Have Fun and Be Proud:

Celebrate your identity and the diversity of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Enjoy the festivities, performances, and camaraderie that Pride offers.

Prioritize Safety:

Familiarize yourself with the event’s safety protocols and emergency exits. Have a designated meeting spot in case you get separated from your group.

Buddy System:

Attend Pride with trusted friends or allies. Stick together and look out for one another in crowded or unfamiliar environments.

Hydration and Sun Protection:

Bring water and sunscreen to stay hydrated and protected from the sun’s rays, especially during outdoor Pride events.

@itgetsbettercanada Our friend Mia (they/them/she/her) shares how their first Pride is helping them be proud to be other! #MyFirstPride #Pride101 #Pride2022 #PrideAdvice #ItGetsBetterCanada ♬ original sound - It Gets Better Canada

Dress Comfortably:

Wear clothing and footwear suitable for walking and standing for long periods. Express yourself authentically with attire that reflects your identity.

Stay Informed:

Stay updated on Pride event schedules, performances, and activities. Take advantage of workshops or educational sessions to learn more about 2SLGBTQ+ issues.

Pace Yourself:

Pace yourself throughout the event to avoid exhaustion or overexertion. Take breaks as needed and listen to your body’s signals.

Connect with Community:

 Use Pride as an opportunity to connect with 2SLGBTQ+ organizations, support groups, or local resources that provide assistance and community outreach.


Going to your first Pride can be daunting but remember Pride is a celebration of love, inclusion, queerness, and joy and you belong there! Be inspired by these #MyFirstPride stories to help fuel your confidence!

What should I bring to Pride?

@itgetsbettercanada If you're starting to plan for Pride festivities, you need to watch this video from our friend Pree (they/them) @preezilla #Pride101 #prideprep #PrideAdvice #PrideWeekend #ItGetsBetterCanada ♬ original sound - It Gets Better Canada

Should I be a little nervous about Pride?

@itgetsbettercanada If this is your first time attending pride, Clover (they/them) has a message for you! #MyFirstPride #Pride101 #ItGetsBetterCanada #fyp ♬ original sound - It Gets Better Canada

What should I expect at my first Pride?

@itgetsbettercanada Our content creator Justine (she/they) shares the story of their first Pride experience, and a treasured souvenir of the day! @justineklorch #MyFirstPride #Pride101 #Pride2022 #ItGetsBetterCanada #TorontoPride ♬ original sound - It Gets Better Canada

What should I remember for Pride?

@itgetsbettercanada Five tips you need to hear from our friend Owen (he/him/they) for your first 🏳️‍🌈 pride! @owenunruh2 #Pride101 #PrideAdvice #PrideWeekend #Pride2022 #ItGetsBetterCanada ♬ original sound - It Gets Better Canada

Nervous about attending pride with a disability?

Pride can already be an overwhelming experience especially if you are navigating it with a disability. However, Pride is and should always be a celebration of inclusion and queer joy! While efforts still need to be made to make these spaces fully accessible, with the right preparation you can ensure you have a fun and safe Pride season.

“Reaching out and connecting with other disabled folks changed my whole world.” Amy Miller Coming out community had my back’

@itgetsbettercanada Pride can be overwhelming and overstimulating, especially if it's your first time! We asked @paula 🌞 for some advice on what to bring: neurodivergant edition! #Pride2023 #Pride #Neurodivergant #Queer #ItGetsBetterCanada #QueerYouth ♬ original sound - It Gets Better Canada

Pack a pride bag and bring assistive devices:

Pride can be overwhelming with loud sounds, bright colours, and big crowds. Take some time the night before to make sure you’ve gathered any items to help you throughout the day like noise-cancelling headphones, mobility devices, and any other items to help you feel comfortable.

Plan Ahead:

Research accessibility features of the Pride event, including wheelchair accessibility, accessible restrooms, and designated rest areas. Familiarize yourself with the event layout and accessible transportation options. Pride can be busy so reach out to event staff ahead of time to help you plan your day!

Pace Yourself:

Pace your participation throughout the event to conserve energy and prevent fatigue. Take breaks in designated rest areas or seating areas as needed. Remember to stay hydrated, bring snacks, and medications if needed.

Buddy System:

Attend Pride with a trusted friend or ally who can provide assistance and support as needed. Communicate your accessibility needs and establish a plan for navigating the event together.

Enjoy yourself and be proud:

Celebrate yourself and your identity! Pride is a great time to build confidence in yourself and connect with other members of the community!

Looking to celebrate pride at home?

Not everyone is ready to celebrate Pride publicly, and that’s OKAY! Pride is whatever you choose to make of it. Whether you are still in the closet or just looking to avoid the big crowds, you can still find ways to feel affirmed and celebrate queer joy privately. 

Find Safe Spaces:

Seek out 2SLGBTQ+ support groups, online communities, or organizations where you can connect with others who understand your experience. These safe spaces can offer support, resources, and a sense of belonging while you navigate your journey.

Express Yourself Privately:

Explore creative outlets such as journaling, art, or music to express your identity and feelings in a private setting. Use these outlets as a way to celebrate your authentic self and affirm your identity, even if it’s not yet public.

Pictured is an illustration of a person holding a pride flag shyly. They have short purple hair and are wearing a white crop top and green pants.

Attend Virtual Events:

Participate in virtual Pride events, workshops, or discussions that offer opportunities to engage with the 2SLGBTQ+ community from the comfort of your home. Virtual platforms can provide a sense of connection and solidarity while maintaining privacy.

Educate Yourself:

Take advantage of resources, books, podcasts, and films that explore 2SLGBTQ+ history, culture, and experiences. Educating yourself about 2SLGBTQ+ identities and issues can help you feel more confident and empowered in your own journey.

Seek Support:

Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals who can provide support and guidance as you navigate your identity. Having a supportive network can make the process of coming out feel less daunting and overwhelming. Remember, you are not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to support you.

Show your support during Pride month!

Join us in spreading love and support this Pride season! 🏳️‍🌈 Your donation to It Gets Better Canada helps empower and uplift the 2SLGBTQ+ community across the nation. Together, let’s make a difference and celebrate queer joy! 

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This website was made possible with the support from It Gets Better Project, a non-profit organization working to uplift, empower, and connect 2SLGBTQ+ youth around the globe.


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