

Reflection Question: Why do you think cyberbullying is so prominent and so harmful?

Egale Canada found that 30% of 2SLGBTQ respondents had been the victims of cyberbullying, compared to 8% of cisgender heterosexual respondents (Peter, Campbell, & Taylor, 2021). A recent study by Statistics Canada showed the odds of experiencing cyberbullying are higher among transgender and non-binary youth, queer girls, and youth with chronic conditions (Kingsbury & Arim, 2023). These statistics reflect the ideas discussed in the previous section, Identity-Based Bullying. Members of marginalized groups can be vulnerable targets for cyberbullying, as perpetrators may use their identity as a basis for harassment or intimidation. Additionally, the intersectional nature of an identity, like being a queer girl, may increase the risk of cyberbullying as individuals who belong to multiple marginalized groups may face compounded discrimination and harassment.

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