It Gets Better Pride 2019 Group marching in Toronto


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Watch our Chair, Bruce Glawson chat with Lainey Lui on etalk about the charity work of It Gets Better Canada and our heartwarming collaboration with Canada’s Drag Race on the prom makeover episode featuring inspiring queer youth.

What is asexuality? Understanding Asexuality: Exploring Identity and Representation

What is asexuality?

What is asexuality? Asexuality is arguably the least known 2SLGBTQ+ identity. Whenever I come out, I’m generally met with a myriad of confusion and questions.

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It Gets Better Canada is an official member of the It Gets Better International Affiliate Network.

IT GETS BETTER and IT GETS BETTER PROJECT are trademarks of Savage Love, LLC, and licensed for use on this website by the It Gets Better Project


Registered Charity Number 750714297 RR0001

IGB-CSA Canada

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This website was made possible with the support from It Gets Better Project, a non-profit organization working to uplift, empower, and connect 2SLGBTQ+ youth around the globe.


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