It Gets Better Pride 2019 Group marching in Toronto

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Safe Space Sessions – National Coming Out Day with NYX

Safe Space Sessions – National Coming Out Day with NYX This year for National Coming Out Day, It Gets Better Canada teamed up with NYX Cosmetics and some familiar faces to create a Safe Space Session for LGBTQ2+ youth. GET UPDATES and stay connected – subscribe to our newsletter. It

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“Fire Song” panel co-presented by WE MATTER & IT GETS BETTER CANADA

“Fire Song” panel co-presented by WE MATTER & IT GETS BETTER CANADA This panel explores topics of Suicide Prevention and Life Promotion, Two Spirit Identity in community, Lateral Violence and Lateral Love. Indigenous youth are resilient and in recognition of World Suicide Prevention Day on Sept.10, 2021, We Matter and

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It Gets Better Canada wants you to #STAYSAFESTAYTRUE

It Gets Better Canada wants you to #STAYSAFESTAYTRUE It Gets Better Canada and a few of our friends want to share a special message, letting you know that It Gets Better and to #StaySafeStayTrue! Playlist 12 Videos Ryan G Hinds wants you to SHINE BRIGHT 0:16 Tranna Wintour wants you

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La fabrication de l'expression de genre : Mia Yaguchi-Chow

Mia Yaguchi (elle/iel) est un·e artiste visuel·le basé·e à Toronto qui a écrit à It Gets Better Canada afin de partager ses idées au sujet de l’identité et du genre. En tant qu’artiste et diplômé·e de la Ryerson University School of Fashion, Mia comprend le pouvoir de l’usage de la mode et de l’art comme moyens d’expression en lien avec l’identité de genre.

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Kendall Gender and Patch Donaghy

Une célébration de l’amour : Kendall Gender et Patch Donaghy

Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale contre l’homophobie, la transphobie et la biphobie (JICHTB), It Gets Better Canada s’est entretenu avec la drag queen Kendall Gender (elle/elle/la en drag; tous les pronoms hors drag) et sa partenaire Patch Donaghy (elle/elle/la) afin de discuter de leur relation au sein de la scène du drag et des arts.

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Queerography Queerography is an impactful video series driven by queer Asian filmmaker and choreographer, Phil Kim, and explores the journeys of five 2SLGBTQ+ BIPoC Toronto dancers and their unique experiences tackling their identity, mental health and sense of community. This project was made possible with the support from the It

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Queerography Episode 5 – Otsíkh:èta

Otsíkh:èta – Queerography Episode 5 Non-binary and two-spirited dance Otsíkh:èta (they/them) shares their experience in finding peace by connecting with their community and making the most of their authentic self. Cinematographer and Editor – Phil Kim Dancer – Otsíkh:èta GET UPDATES and stay connected – subscribe to our newsletter. It

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Queerography Episode 4 – J.C. Pearce

J.C. Pearce – Queerography Episode 4 In episode 4 of Queerography, J.C. Pearce (he/him), shares his journey of tenacity. Reflecting on his upbringing in a Caribbean household and as the only openly gay kid of colour in high school, J.C. shares what it has meant to find acceptance and resolve

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Queerography Episode 3 – Celeste Henriques-Powell

Celeste Henriques-Powell – Queerography Episode 3 Trigger warning: mentions of self-harm and depression. In episode 3 of Queerography, Celeste Henriques-Powell (they/them), a non-binary, Black dancer, discusses their journey towards embracing their true emotions and exploring their Black and gender identity. If you or someone you know are in crisis or

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The power of perseverance – event recap

Shining a light on mental health In celebration of Bell Let’s Talk Day, It Gets Better Canada hosted a free livestream roundtable talk on “The Power of Perseverance: A Queer Youth Mental Health Panel,” on January 25, 2022 Event recap Check out highlights from our talk on queer mental health

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It Gets Better Canada est membre officiel du It Gets Better International Affiliate Network

IT GETS BETTER et IT GETS BETTER PROJECT sont des marques déposées de Savage Love, LLC, l’utilisation est autorisée sur ce site Web sous la licence de the It Gets Better Project


Registered Charity Number 750714297

@IGB-CSA Canada

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Ce site Web est rendu possible grâce au soutien de It Gets Better Project, un organisme sans but lucratif qui travaille à encourager, autonomiser et connecter les jeunes 2SLGBTQ+ partout dans le monde.


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